Christian Timmerer

Chief Innovation Officer

Prof. Dr. Christian Timmerer is the Chief Innovation Officer and a co-founder at Bitmovin. His work focuses on research and standardization in the area of adaptive video streaming, video adaptation, and Quality of Experience. He is an active member of ISO/IEC MPEG and editor for the MPEG-21, MPEG-M, MPEG-V, and MPEG-DASH standards, and thus has also a wide range of knowledge, overview, and contacts within the international technology market. He holds the position of a Full Professor for Multimedia Systems at the Alpen-Adria University Klagenfurt where he had published more than 300 papers at international conferences and journals.

- Bitmovin

Advanced Transport Options for DASH: QUIC and HTTP/2

Multimedia streaming over HTTP is no longer a niche research topic as it has entered our daily lives. The common assumption is that it is deployed on top of the existing infrastructure, utilizing application (HTTP) and transport (TCP) layer protocols as is. Interestingly, standards such as MPEG’s Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) do not mandate…

- Bitmovin

QoE with High Definition Video Through Adaptive Streaming with MPEG-DASH – 1

This is part one of a three part series analysing the impact of Adaptive Streaming, specifically MPEG-DASH, on Quality of Experience (QoE). Real-time entertainment services such as high quality video streaming currently account for more than 60% of the Internet traffic, e.g., in North America’s fixed access networks as shown in Figure 1. Interestingly, these…

MPEG news: a report from the 108th meeting, Valencia, Spain
MPEG Meeting

MPEG News: A Report from the 108th Meeting, Valencia, Spain

The 108th MPEG meeting was held at the Palacio de Congresos de Valencia in Spain featuring the following highlights (don’t worry about the acronyms, this is on purpose and they will be explained further below): Requirements: PSAF, SCC, CDVA Systems: M2TS, MPAF, Green Metadata Video: CDVS, WVC, VCB JCT-VC: SHVC, SCC JCT-3D: MV/3D-HEVC, 3D-AVC Audio:…

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