Video Streaming is not for Online Video Providers alone. Telco Providers are equal players in the game of adaptive video streaming, but to stand out, there is a constant demand for innovations at the Edge.
Watch our interview session between Bitmovin Solution Architect, Adrian Britton, and Alpen Adria University Professor, Dr. Hermann Hellwagner, as they discuss some of the latest research around Edge Computing solutions that will improve functionality for mobile network and CDN providers.
Topics covered include:
– Software-Defined Networking
– New Protocols
– Machine Learning Support
The Christian Doppler laboratory ATHENA (AdapTive Streaming over HTTP and Emerging Networked MultimediA Services) is jointly proposed by the Institute of Information Technology (ITEC) at Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt (AAU) and Bitmovin to address current and future research and deployment challenges of HAS and emerging streaming methods. AAU (ITEC) has been working on adaptive video streaming for more than a decade, has a proven record of successful research projects and publications in the field, and has been actively contributing to MPEG standardization for many years, including MPEG-DASH; Bitmovin is a video streaming software company founded by ITEC researchers in 2013 and has developed highly successful, global R&D and sales activities and a world-wide customer base since then.

Dr. Hermann Hellwagner
Alpen Adria University Professor

Adrian Britton
Solutions & Customer Success Director at Bitmovin