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High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) or H.265 is a compression standard that doubles the compression efficiency while maintaining similar or same video quality compared to its predecessor H.264/AVC High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) or H.265 is a compression standard that was jointly developed by ISO/IEC MPEG SC29/WG11 and the ITU-T Video Coding Experts Group (VCEG)….

Apple HLS logo
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Apple HTTP Live Streaming

Apple HTTP Live Streaming (Apple HLS) is a widely used adaptive HTTP streaming protocol available as IETF Internet Draft. It is mainly targeted towards mobile devices based on iOS such as iPhone, iPad or AppleTV, as well as at OS X desktop computers. Apple’s Internet browser Safari also accepts HLS streams as the source of the HTML5 <Video> tag,…

- Bitmovin

Advanced Transport Options for DASH: QUIC and HTTP/2

Multimedia streaming over HTTP is no longer a niche research topic as it has entered our daily lives. The common assumption is that it is deployed on top of the existing infrastructure, utilizing application (HTTP) and transport (TCP) layer protocols as is. Interestingly, standards such as MPEG’s Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) do not mandate…

MPEG-DASH open source

The Best MPEG-DASH Open Source Players & Tools

There are more and more open-source projects are available today around or supporting MPEG-DASH and it is always good to have some of these tools ready during development, we collected the following list of publicly available and open-source MPEG-DASH player tools: libdash MPEG-DASH player Reference Library libdash is the official reference software of the ISO/IEC…

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QoE with High Definition Video Through Adaptive Streaming with MPEG-DASH – 1

This is part one of a three part series analysing the impact of Adaptive Streaming, specifically MPEG-DASH, on Quality of Experience (QoE). Real-time entertainment services such as high quality video streaming currently account for more than 60% of the Internet traffic, e.g., in North America’s fixed access networks as shown in Figure 1. Interestingly, these…

dash vs hls - smooth streaming vs hls vs mpeg-dash

MPEG-DASH vs. Apple HLS vs. Microsoft Smooth Streaming vs. Adobe HDS

All existing adaptive HTTP streaming technologies, such as the proprietary Adobe HTTP Dynamic Streaming (HDS), Apple HTTP Live Streaming (HLS), Microsoft Smooth Streaming (MSS), and the only international standardized solution MPEG Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (MPEG-DASH) follow nearly the same principle All existing adaptive HTTP streaming technologies, such as the proprietary Adobe HTTP Dynamic Streaming (HDS), Apple HTTP…

MPEG DASh device compatibility

MPEG-DASH Browser Support and Device Compatibility

Due to superior browser support and device compatibility, MPEG-DASH is quickly becoming the industry’s preferred adaptive streaming standard. Since 2012, when MPEG-DASH (Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP, ISO/IEC 23009-1) was ratified by ISO/IEC MPEG, more and more browsers, TVs, smart phones, and devices, as well as manufacturers are adopting the standard. The benefits of a vendor independent, international and…

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