video encoding

- Bitmovin

Providing a Premium Audio Experience in HLS with the Bitmovin Encoder

Introduction Many streaming providers are looking for ways to offer a more premium and high quality experience to their users. One often overlooked component in streaming quality is audio – and more specifically which audio bitrates, channel layouts, and even audio languages are available and how these options can be delivered to the viewers on…

- Bitmovin
Company News VidTech

The Bitmovin Innovators Network “Better Together” Award Winners!

The dust has now settled from NAB, and I am still looking back in awe at the success of the Bitmovin Innovators Network and the community that we’ve built, together. A personal highlight for me was our exclusive semi-annual Bitmovin Innovators Network Partner Executive Networking Event which had over 100 attendees who joined to learn…

- Bitmovin

AI-powered Video Super Resolution and Remastering

AI has been the hot buzz word in tech the past couple of years and we’re starting to see more and more practical applications for video emerging from the hype, like automatic closed-captioning and language translation, automated descriptions and summaries, and AI video Super Resolution upscaling. Bitmovin has especially focused on how AI can provide…

- Bitmovin

Globo, Google Cloud and Bitmovin: Taking Quality to New Heights

Globo’s content and reach When it comes to content scale and audience reach, Globo is on par with Hollywood and the big US broadcasters with over 3,000 hours of entertainment content being produced each year. The viewership numbers are equally impressive with forty-nine million Brazilians watching the daily, one-hour newscast and Globo’s Digital Hub attracting…

- Bitmovin

Split-and-Stitch Encoding with incredible speed, quality and scale

Introduction In the early days of digital video, encoding a full-length movie could take several hours or even days to complete, depending on the settings and techniques that were used. Over time, as processor speeds increased and specialized hardware was introduced, encoding turnaround times decreased, but it was usually an incremental, linear response to the…

- Bitmovin
Product Updates

Bitmovin Improves Support AV1 Video Encoding for VoD

**Updated in Feb 2024** Since 2017, Bitmovin has actively worked in video and streaming standardization and has consistently driven standards from inception to implementation. Our founders co-created the MPEG-DASH streaming standard used by Netflix, YouTube, and many others, which is responsible for over 50% of peak U.S. internet traffic. Given our encoding, virtualization, and codec…

- Bitmovin

Game-Changing Savings with Per-Title Encoding

Introduction The post will explain how Per-Title Encoding works and the advantages of using Per-Title Encoding compared to using the same bitrate ladder for all your content. Per-Title often requires fewer ABR ladder renditions and lower bitrates that translate into storage, egress and CDN cost savings. It also improves QoE with less buffering and quality…

- Bitmovin

Encoding VR and 360 Immersive Video for Meta Quest Headsets

This article was originally published in April 2023. It was updated Nov 14, 2023 with information about Quest 3 AV1 support. Whether you’re calling it Virtual Reality (VR) or 360 video or Metaverse content, there are a lot of details that should be taken into consideration in order to guarantee a good immersive experience. Things…

- Bitmovin

PhD video research: From the ATHENA lab to Bitmovin products

Introduction The story of Bitmovin began with video research and innovation back in 2012, when our co-founders Stefan Lederer and Christopher Mueller were students at Alpen-Adria-Universität (AAU) Klagenfurt. Together with their professor Dr. Christian Timmerer, the three co-founded Bitmovin in 2013, with their research providing the foundation for Bitmovin’s groundbreaking MPEG-DASH player and Per-Title Encoding….

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